SARMA Naturals

Sarma Naturals is a family-owned and operated company with a heartfelt beginning. In 2019, our journey started with a deep passion for nature studies and plants, guided by the wisdom of Vaira Kārkliņa, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Natural and Engineering Sciences of the University of Liepāja. Inspired by her expertise and armed with knowledge from her book "Plant hydrolats for health, well-being, and nutrition," we embarked on an educational path, completing two adult informal education programs: "Herbal Education" and "Green Pharmacy" under the "Green Lifestyle School" modules.

During the vibrant seasons of spring and summer, we carefully gather medicinal plants, handpicking only the finest specimens. These botanical treasures are thoughtfully selected and naturally dried, while some are transformed into exquisite macerates for oils. Through the art of distillation, we extract hydrolates and plant extracts from others.

Latvian plants are renowned for their remarkable healing, cleansing, and nourishing properties. By combining their powers, we craft some of the purest, safest, and most effective natural skincare products available.

Thus, the Sarma Naturals brand was born—a testament to our unwavering dedication to healthy skin and our harmonious collaboration with nature.